Sunday, November 25, 2007

on sleep and such

To Sleep

O soft embalmer of the still midnight,
Shutting, with careful fingers and benign,
Our gloom-pleas'd eyes, embower'd from the light,
Enshaded in forgetfulness divine:
O soothest Sleep! if so it please thee, close
In midst of this thine hymn my willing eyes,
Or wait the "Amen," ere thy poppy throws
Around my bed its lulling charities.
Then save me, or the passed day will shine
Upon my pillow, breeding many woes --
Save me from curious Conscience, that still lords
Its strength for darkness, burrowing like a mole;
Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards,
And seal the hushed Casket of my Soul.

- John Keats

A craving when you're restless.
A balm for your soul.
An elusive state when you desire it most.

Drifting. Away. Unnoticed.
This is me.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


a year ago, i was this person...

two years ago, this was me...

today... i am...

it's unsettling when you realise that the world has gone two times around the sun, and you've been missing the ride. if there has been any movement in my life, it's been backward; further away from the dream. the ideas that 'lit a match in my dark head' (to quote the Pi guy), have disappeared. the emotions dissolved. and the carcass is rotting in the depths of my mind. an inanimate being. waiting.

waiting to be reincarnated. for blood to run through its veins... for it to be nurtured and grown and cared for. to grow beyond possibilities that exist and that can be seen.

inspiration is like the flame on a match-stick...
instantaneous and fickle.

catch it!
breathe it!
embrace it!

while it lasts...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Mood of the moment: overwhelmed consciousness
Song that i can't get rid of: tu bin bataye
Movie on my mind: dil se
Newest infatuation: songs in languages i don't understand
Secretly craving: fulfillment
Wish i to collect my senses and devour them whole

words are too precious. they say too much. in lyric, they are unbearable.
tearing me up. breaking me down. i want to escape; into oblivion.

to a world i can't comprehend. where i can lie, amongst shadows. content. no sensual manifestation. no visual marijuana. and no lyrical epiphany.
