Monday, December 11, 2006
what i did when i wasn't in thailand
Song:love you lately
Newest infatuation:not shopping
Secretly craving:a tai tai life
Wish i were...on holiday!
Having dinner now. yes now. i finally got down to eating. i usually love to eat, but im more of a snack person... and exotic cuisine person. i love thai food. i love arabian food and i love mexican food. so yea maybe im missing one of those... oh yea i know it! im missing THAI food. (sarcastic face)
yea i cant believe it. im missing thailand although i havent been there in 3 years. i think its just the craving for a fun holiday. instead of gng to thailand i had to sacrifice some blood for a blood test that has been pending for while. the little jab they gave me has turned bluish... and if it does scar it will always serve as a reminder of the trip i never went on.
so to replace the exotique thailand, i went shopping... and got a headache. i thnk vivocity is overated and overcrowded. For all that it boasts, its just another mall. have u been to marina square lately? its way less claustorphobic and ard the same size. yea yea you mite say the shops are different and more posh. but tell me, other than the candy empire is there any shop there that is unique to vivo? I thnk not. for now maybe its GAP but then in a few months the ecstacy of gng to a gap shop will no longer be there cos there will be one at orchard darlings vivo isnt the answer to all your questions with the exception of "wat do u think caused the headache?"
Ok so the place was a little crapper than i expected but the outing on the whole was amazingly fun :) especially ben and jerry. as the babbling banshee (please refer to her website linked) puts it, they are the best boyfriends ever. :P
talking about ice cream... you HAVE to check out the Daily Scoop. I saw their ad on the papers and its a one of a kind place. The lime and black pepper is as spicy and sour as i am... peanut butter is sooo creamy and the chocolate is heavenly. if your a durian person then ull love the durian ice cream. so basically their ice cream rocks and its made fresh at the store.
but if you're in need of a boyfriend, please contact ben and jerry.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Commewter CarWatch
Song:Love you Lately
Newest infatuation:songs
Secretly craving:a holiday
Wish i were...a human being
Thailand plans are all soiled spoiled or whatever negative word fits in there. I mean come on, they refused to give me a visa. Thailand is cool and all, but i dont plan on visiting them any time soon. Esp after this fiasco. Next trip is down under (not counting the trip home ofcourse).
Lately i've gotten fed up of sleeping on the ride back home. Mostly because i wake up with sudden shocks to realise im sprawled over one and a half seats with my mouth open (lucky for me i dont drool). So to safeguard my public image i try to stay awake and listen to my ipod. This way i can restore my cool factor. You may ask why would this really matter? Well dears, since i travel by bus at a particular time on an infrequent bus, there are familiar faces on this journey. And as a regular commewter who snoozes, i have already ruined my reputation. So to gain back the trust and the goodwill of passengers i will never really know, i listen to my ipod instead of sleeping.
By the way, you can't be thinking i was serious about that passage. Who the eff cares about the way i snooze. I add on two hours of sleep to my regular dosage because i get to sleep on the bus. The real reason i havnt been sleeping is because i have developed a new fascination for cars. I've become a carwatcher. I always sit on the right side of the bus so that i have a clear view of the traffic. I get annoyed if the bus has those printy things that make it all dark. And worse, if there are no window seats left... thats like a waste of a journey back home.
So wat's so cool about car watching? Well for one thing, this is singapore, so basically all the cool cars hit the road(The roads themselves are beautiful, that i will take an entire entry to discuss). In srilanka, although people spend a lot on vehicles, you hardly see any decent 'cars'. To top it off, bkt tmah rd is the best car showroom. You just need to take a ride :) to get lost in the superficial world of car watching.
So the first revelation i had while car watching:
Nothing beats the beauty of a Jaguar. They are truly majestic. But the character of a jag lies in the colour. Black jags are truly enigmatic. They are elusive, important, and respected. It is the ultimate car to own.
On the whole, jags in darker colours possess are similar presence, but they do not have the charisma of a blak jag. Although there was one in a pearly dark gray that exuded sex appeal. It was more of a young, rich-kid-with-substance attitude. But as far as colours for jags go, these are the best.
There was a pastel green jag on the streets today. The only thought that came to my mind was, WHAT THE HELL WAS HE/SHE THINKING! If you can afford to buy such an awesome car, there should be some taste involved.
So you see, there are several episodes that can be written on a single journey to work. I love looking at the little details that people seem to avoid. Buses are full of unique experiences, people, stories, episodes. A reality check to tell you that Singapore is beautiful, you just have to go out there to see it.
Monday, November 27, 2006
What do you call a sheep with no legs?
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Song: negotiator opening theme
Newest infatuation: bed head hair care
Secretly craving: an ipod radio accesorie
Wish i were... amelie
So since last week i have watched Amelie, the movie, bought a BED HEAD leave in conditioner and planned a trip to thailand. Also i have discovered myself as a person. I am infact a living, breathing creature, who is an extrapolation of Amelie, the character. It is an epiphany of the greatest sort when you realise you define what is 'cool'. Pop culture is not a bad thing, it benefits anthropologists as they have current material to analyse and write about, however, for those who follow it blindly, it is like driving through a tunnel with no end.
For instance, when you want to conform to society's expectations of what is cool and what isn't you it is a conscious decision that you make where you put a certain groups ideas on a pedestal. There is always a king/queen pin and his/her life is what you epitomise and strive to be. In short you crush the real person inside you in order to go with the flow and and make your existence mere plagiarism. It can be argued that the celebrities and icons of the world are responsible for creating such a fan base. I dont discredit their works as artistes and i appreciate their exhibition of style and awe. But when you see that not only do they have a fan base, but a whole 'cult' of followers it becomes quite disturbing.
For instance, from where i come, RnB and Hip Hop are the songs to die for. Clubs, and everything cool has them blasting on their sound systems. I do not question the artistes creative skills (although i think they could be more respectful of women) but they accumulate a huge band of asian 'african american' wannabes trailing behind them. For instance slang unique to this culture is seeping into the culture of our communities and replaces what we have with something imported... This stamps out creativity and originality in individuals. It also curbs the progress of the culture of our country because we idolise something that is not necessarily the best thing for us. It becomes a case of blatant wannabeism.
However, anthropologists may argue that it is human nature that is indeed responsible for 'wannabeism' throughout the history of man. For example the romans imitated the greeks, and in fact to have a culture, people must conform in some way or another. But, there should be room for individualism, to preserve the mind and sanity. Taking the romans, they started by imitating greeks but they built upon it and created a magnificient culture of their own. People should learn to question and think for themselves and intelligently be able to accept and reject aspects of their lives. We are a logical species. The mind must be exercised and it should not be crippled with the existence of an overbearing culture.
There will always be many pied pipers in the world. Corporations, celebrities, leaders, peers and what ever else may come to your mind. But as people, we have the upper hand. We can choose, adopt, and build upon.
Getting back to where i stand. Right now i am a victim of retail culture. Shopping, for things you may not need indeed is a weakness. Which i have come to accept because it does harm me. I have developed a liking for the finer things in life, which nonetheless, are a little above my means. Although i must admit, i am not trying to conform, but the marketing and presentation of certain products appeal to me and i tend to fall into the target markets of these corporations. For instance clinique and bed head. I do agree that i am happy with the products i have been using so far, and what i needed what i bought. But since i have fulfilled all my needs why do i want to purchase more? why do i want to qualify for their special gifts etc. That is the calling of the retail culture where uneccesary wants have been made into needs. This is what i have to fight to stay sane. The consequences of conforming would be tremendously detrimental to by development as a reasonable person, and not to forget the opportunity cost of the $$ i bust away.
Enough banter. Thailand will be a change that i need. The holiday i never had. Time spent with friends. Adventure and excitement. A refresher course to what really matters in life.
au revoir,
Thursday, August 31, 2006
my kitchen skills
You Are a Learning Cook |
You've got the makings of an excellent cook, and the desire to be one. But right now, you're just lacking the experience. You couldn't be a top chef yet, but you could be an apprentice. |
me and my music
Your Taste in Music: |
Adult Alternative: Highest Influence 90's Alternative: High Influence 90's Rock: High Influence R&B: High Influence 80's Alternative: Medium Influence |
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Sunday, April 23, 2006
the fact from fiction of those tests...
i get jealous easily
i design stuff when im bored
i love teal green
i hate root beer
i love 7up/sprite
my name means 'soul'
i am a chaotic mess
i am extremely narcissitic
i am antisocial
i have OCD but usually for errands that never get done...
i am a hopeless romantic
more weird senseless personality tests which are almost true
Your Superhero Profile |
Your Superhero Name is The Shadow Bullet Your Superpower is Meditation Your Weakness is Jealousy Your Weapon is Your Celestial Boomerang Your Mode of Transportation is Motorcycle |
Your Brain's Pattern |
Your mind is a creative hotbed of artistic talent. You're always making pictures in your mind, especially when you're bored. You are easily inspired to think colorful, interesting thoughts. And although it may be hard to express these thoughts, it won't always be. |
You Are Teal Green |
You are a one of a kind, original person. There's no one even close to being like you. Expressive and creative, you have a knack for making the impossible possible. While you are a bit offbeat, you don't scare people away with your quirks. Your warm personality nicely counteracts and strange habits you may have. |
You Are Dr. Pepper |
You're very unique and funky, yet you still have a bit of traditionalism to you. People who like you think they have great taste... and they usually do. Your best soda match: Root Beer Stay away from: 7 Up |
You Are 32% Abnormal |
You are at medium risk for being a psychopath. It is somewhat likely that you have no soul. You are at medium risk for having a borderline personality. It is somewhat likely that you are a chaotic mess. You are at low risk for having a narcissistic personality. It is unlikely that you are in love with your own reflection. You are at medium risk for having a social phobia. It is somewhat likely that you feel most comfortable in your mom's basement. You are at low risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is unlikely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer. |
You Should Be a Romance Novelist |
You see the world as it should be, and this goes double for all matters of the heart. You can find the romance in any situation, and you would make a talented romance story writer... And while you may be a traditional romantic, you're just as likely to be drawn to quirky or dark love stories. As long as it deals with infatuation, heartbreak, and soulmates - you could write it. |
Song:somewhere beyond the sea
Newest infatuation:arabian/lebanese food
Secretly craving:the above
Wish i were...
chocolate heaven. thats what u call the chocolate buffet as soon as u arrive. but after all the gluttony and the indulgence... its puke central.. or the cause of nausea.
ok maybe i over indulged, but when u spend that much you want to taste everything.
so we tried to be lady like and all classy, but i knocked the glass table while standing up and spilled tea and water... so sophistication was right out the window as soon as i arrived!
the best dish there was definitely the fondue and the hot choc... the bread pudding came a close second... also the tea was amazing... hmm im so sick of chocolate that i wont be recommending any cos the thought of it makes me pukish... nonetheless everything was awesome!
right now, stuffed like a chocolate chicken, im craving for a taste of arabian food... or a vinaigrette salad.... something sour... to cut the taste of pukishness.
but all in all it was a memorable experience thats well worth it...:D although not something i would try again hahah...
next pitstop is thai food... although i wouldnt mind more arabian food! :D
i miss mama aidas. i want those shawarmas. i was so sad when they closed down. i havent tasted any shawarma of the likes of mama aidas....but the search goes on...
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
white noise
doomsday part two.
i hope it all goes well.
life can be so trying sometimes.
my comp decided to ditch me the night of submission. i had to use the dds comps. oh well u mite say to that...
so tomoro is crit and i want to make an impression... hope it all works out...
after that.. ugh.!!
Monday, April 03, 2006
thats wat i am right now. vulnerable. and prone to breakage.
CONCEPT> of walls. spaces for the new elderly
3.intergration with the existing urban fabric
SO far i've beem sketching up the wrong stuff. paying too much attention to the wrong things. mY building is dying and im worried about railings. thats freaking OCD.
ive got a stiff neck. a floating head. and i speak incoherantly. all because i seem to be concentrating on the wrong things.
what i need to do now:
1. adjust the floor to floor height
2. reduce the glass windows and skylights
3. create a garden foyer + facade
4. change the railings
5. revamp the roof and facade
things i need to concentrate on:
1. the importance of the facade to my design.
2. the contrasting of ONLY TWO types of architectural language.
3. simplify simplify simplify
this post was to combat brainfreeze and panic. which havnt gone away.
bugger off.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
p's and q's
Song: dee dee bridgewater album
Newest infatuation: um nothing
Secretly craving: food
Wish i were...not sleepy
i say thank you way too much. i said thank you to a guy who asked to borrow my thumb drive. thats supersad. who on earth thanks someone who they're doing a favour for. on top of it, i dunno the guy... the dude must be thiking im a freak. lol.
gotta mind my p's and q's, or overdose of it, from now on....
taz yall

I love Google. It's true. I dream about Google, SketchUp,and other Google products. Google has taken over my life, answers all my questions, appeared as ads on my other blog and even seeped into my 3D CAD software. How is this even possible? I think it's a sign. Maybe i should marry Google. Goooooooogle i love you!
Your Career Type: Artistic |
You are expressive, original, and independent. Your talents lie in your artistic abilities: creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art. You would make an excellent: Actor - Art Teacher - Book Editor Clothes Designer - Comedian - Composer Dancer - DJ - Graphic Designer Illustrator - Musician - Sculptor The worst career options for your are conventional careers, like bank teller or secretary. |
Your Japanese Name Is... |
Your Elf Name Is... |
Your Outrageous Name is: |
You Are a Frappacino |
At your best, you are: fun loving, sweet, and modern At your worst, you are: childish and over indulgent You drink coffee when: you're craving something sweet Your caffeine addiction level: low |
ok, im done with the whacky personality tests that are 100% inaccurate... oh wait, maybe 99.9% inaccurate.
Oops. gotta run. Old people are calling!
dreams in disguise
Song: none
Newest infatuation: internet
Secretly craving: food
Wish i were...a student forever
ok so i have been spending too much time over the internet, detrimental to my project mind you, but thats the only way i take a break. ive set up a new blog, which i plan to update only on thursdays. apart from that ive been reading stuff about apple, google and dunno whos... mostly blogs actually. Quite a natural thing to do right? Heck its even helped me out with sketchUp. Ive found new components and better ideas on how to do stuff...
But its been giving me nightmares. Usually, a few weeks before submission i get nightmares about my design, but this time i get bad dreams about sketchup. It involves my design too, which i never finish, BUT, the majority of the dream involves sketchup and how that screwed up my design. Plus its always a problem solving sleep. So at the end of it, i aint refreshed. What the effing point is there of sleeping then, right? So here i am wasting many more priceless minutes throwing out all my anger so that i can get on with design. (note the avoidance of the word sketchup)
sleep|breaks like glass
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Newest infatuation:anything but SketchUp
Secretly craving:food
Wish i were...smarter
I accidently clicked on the adsense thing on my other blog. now theres this ad just before my post asking people to donate to a small shrub and an ex pres! Man i'm so pissed. I like the blog 'clean' without any ads, just my little space. sigh. i want it to go away. go away. go away!!
Oh well anyways, i found this really cool rendering software thats's free! try searching for kerkythea on google. honestly i still havent figured out how to use it, but from the samples and tutorials it seems pretty cool for a free download. Hennyways, my stomachs growling and i need to SketchUp. agh.
my web design skills (that suck)
although id love to do something like that for my blog...i wonder how to customise a blog tho.. i mean not use any of the default templates...
im a going, going, GONE!
the green mile
Song:9 million bicycles...
Newest infatuation:a full lead pencil
Secretly craving: honestly... nothing :)
Wish i were...someone yet no-one
The green mile for archi students is the last two weeks before submission. it is the most difficult time of the semester and it takes a whole lot of courage to go on. It like walking in a tunnel while everyone else is walking on the grass. its a do or die situation. if u dont do, u die cos its game over. but if u do, u die too. ur cutting short a few years of ur life by not sleeping, living under permanent stress, staring at the comp screen for hours, no exercise, no happiness...
but im going to miss all this. the routine of the semester. the big bad world looks like a scary place. i dont know why i made this decision. i sometimes wish i hadnt. but i guess its the only decision i could have made, and now that i have made a decision, i am going to stick by it. never regret anything u do. because there's always a lesson to be learnt from it, and life never ends there. it will only if u make it.
lately i havent been angry with the world, neither have i been upset with everyone around me. i honestly dont know how or what i feel. ive always not wanted to be a student, but now i want to be one forever. i hardly know what to expect from the world. im going to miss my frens... i dunno. i feel im cutting the whole experience short. but in the end its probably for the better. its a gut feeling that im riding on so i hope it right.
ok so much for the rambling...
the real world situation:
define the new elderly? who are they? what are their needs?
what will people want in the year 2010? will they want to go back to basics? or will they be so much in the future the past seems like the ice age....
my belief is that nature will always be wanted. whether people realise it or not, there will always be a need for the calming and therapeutic effects of nature. especially for the new elderly...
balancing nature with aesthetics, manmade nature and obviously, technology is the hard part. but its fun, and i have a great liking towards the concept of my project. i hope i can get all the drawings out to its benefit.
there is this eagerness and excitement to do well. and there is the fear, the hesitation, what if i make a mistake? what if i have to redo? what if its all wrong? but i think these are thoughts that need to be battled to reach the next level, and thats how it will all go on.... its problem solving, and by gosh the problems in my mind! haha
oh well since im all charged up now, im going
btw is talking to 'no-one', eg a blog, considered schizo?
i thnk thats what im doing..
well hail to the psychos, the worlds not complete without us
ta fer now yos
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
fleur de jour




It was an AWESOME flowery birthday. But first you would have to minus the crit, and the hours spent preparing for it. But all in all, i am now able to officially watch an RA movie, but more importantly, i dun can sign my own medical procedures. I know, lifes not THAT exciting at 21, but hey, everyone has to get old someday.
So now im wasting my time installing all sorts of new programs (that are much more fun than drawing my silly little building) and then i came across the pics of the flowers. they just make me smile.
AND theres nothing like a call from your family. it means so much. :)
thank soooo much v, for the trouble and the thought. it was the light at the end of a birthday that i could have been the worst ever. you really made my day superspecial.
adios people.
nouveau elderly are calling Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 26, 2006
Newest infatuation: johari
Secretly craving: nothing
Wish i space
ok so the johari window IS quite cool... especially when u can really apply it to urself. learning it in HR was a bit of a timewaster. so people, if you KNOW me, please fill up!!
else... go fish!
na... u can just look at how 'blind' i am...
Arena(known to self and others) caring, cheerful, idealistic, introverted | Blind Spot(known only to others) adaptable, brave, clever, dependable, friendly, happy, helpful, independent, ingenious, intelligent, kind, loving, modest, observant, reflective, relaxed, religious, sensible, sentimental, silly, spontaneous, warm |
Façade(known only to self) self-conscious, sympathetic | Unknown(known to nobody) able, accepting, bold, calm, complex, confident, dignified, energetic, extroverted, giving, knowledgeable, logical, mature, nervous, organised, patient, powerful, proud, quiet, responsive, searching, self-assertive, shy, tense, trustworthy, wise, witty |
Dominant Traits
57% of people agree that insi is cheerful
57% of people think that insi is friendly
All Percentages
able (0%) accepting (0%) adaptable (14%) bold (0%) brave (14%) calm (0%) caring (28%) cheerful (57%) clever (14%) complex (0%) confident (0%) dependable (14%) dignified (0%) energetic (0%) extroverted (0%) friendly (57%) giving (0%) happy (14%) helpful (14%) idealistic (14%) independent (14%) ingenious (14%) intelligent (28%) introverted (14%) kind (14%) knowledgeable (0%) logical (0%) loving (42%) mature (0%) modest (14%) nervous (0%) observant (14%) organised (0%) patient (0%) powerful (0%) proud (0%) quiet (0%) reflective (14%) relaxed (28%) religious (14%) responsive (0%) searching (0%) self-assertive (0%) self-conscious (0%) sensible (14%) sentimental (14%) shy (0%) silly (28%) spontaneous (14%) sympathetic (0%) tense (0%) trustworthy (0%) warm (14%) wise (0%) witty (0%)
You can make your own Johari Window, or view insi's full data.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Song: swallowed in the sea
Newest infatuation: new zealand natural
Secretly craving: mango sorbet
Wish i were...a great designer!
So i resurface...
To complain about biore facial wash. I've been having really irratable and sensitive skin for a while now and i thought it was due to all the stress that archi puts me thru. But i HAVE been sleeping and i have been driking loads of water, so how can i account bad skin to stress? Fed up of all the bad skin i decided to spend $ on a good face wash from bodyshop... and voila... my skin really feels refreshed. Its not perfect, but atleast it soothes the skin...please those of u who use biore, dump it! its not worth torturing ur skin like that. clean and clear is a way better substitute in a similar price range.
Back to more vain things. I got my health test results and realised that the biggest problem that will affect my health is the fact that i AM big. So its about time i shed a few pounds and kept away all those ugly diseases since i hate to be sick. Mind you, i love being lazy, but i HATE being sick... so if its going to be one or the other, laziness goes down the drain.
Another reason for ditching the laziness is cos i need to start applying for jobz and laziness is a no no where thats concerned.
So detoxing myself with green tea and enjoying every bit of yoga that ive been doin in the past couple of weeks, i regret not being a dancer, or a musician or a designer...
so now i strive to be what i wish i were...
someone with GUTS, SKILL and CREATIVITY...
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
another silly harry potter thing...
You scored as Ron. You are most like Ron. You hate schoolwork but love your friends and will alwasy stick by their side!
What Harry Potter Character are you created with |
Monday, January 16, 2006
haha... i fall in love with harry potter... lol
You scored as Ginny Weasley. You definitely share your mother's (Molly Weasley) fiery resolve and slowly but surely people are learning to respect you because of it.
Your Harry Potter Alter Ego Is...? created with |
rubbish like that
Song: swallowed in the sea
Newest infatuation: hi5... sad huh
Secretly craving: yummy food
Wish i were... at home
So finally the internet point has been fixed. I have a horrible feeling that this wasnt the last of the problems. Old KR, really is OLD.
Its been a while since ive had access to the net on my own time. Jumping around on wireless is so unsettling. Im finally listening to music too. So that puts everyting bak on track... almost.
The semester has begun and now i hav a hundred things to do. Sadness is inevitable. Just thinking of the workload turns me into the antisocial citizen that i am. People become different, you want to be different, but eventually, it finally hits u. You'll always be the same. Because, you'll always be u.
Maybe ill be better, maybe i wont, but all i ask is to get through, considerably ok, lead a considerably ok life, and considerably happy. It seems as if im settling for the average. But i thnk trying for above average has its sacrifices, some which im not willing to make. Archi is a passion, that i feel i dont have. I love to see it, love to criticise and comment on it, ill travel to see it, but i dont think im cut out to make it. Theres this tiny flicker of hope saying i mite be good at it. But that doesnt last for long. This year is going to be a life changing year... as are all transitional years. Its not make or break, but do or die. The beginning of life, as the real world knows it.
scary and threatening. ready to swallow u whole.