moving on to more service related complaints. mobile one, has been awesome at customer service, until they introduced the iphone. by selling the iphone, the seem to believe that they are somehow, 'cooler' and more hip and so the customers don't matter anymore. but my guess is that once neil montefiore quit m1, they have been struggling. now that he's joining starhub, they're probably shitting in their pants. im looking forward to the new starhub where i wont have to wait 20 mins to connect to a pathetic customer service officer. (i reached the dhoby ghaut service station faster than my call could connect to a real human on the phone)
in any 'case' all this was a learning experience. happy things will still happen, like imogen heap coming to singapore... i only hope i manage to get the tickets in time *fingers crossed*... or it will be like listening to 'yellow' being played live over a telephone...
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