Saturday, April 10, 2010

dance to to the beat of your life!

HYP Fest / Lebanese Festival 2010, Melbourne - IMG_8976
Originally uploaded by g e n o t y p e w r i t e r

colombo; it was lovely to be home. time spent mostly with family. a touching surprise from mummy and my conspiring friends was the cherry on top.
bombay was bombay. dirty, pretty, exceedingly materialistic, tasty, noisy, so on and so forth.

imogen heap in concert was a beautiful experience. fairytale-like. fulfilling all those years of listening to her mesmerizing sounds.

then there's those runs coming up, n there's that book to read. there are also those photos to develop and upload. and of course the camera that is feeling very much neglected.

it's been over a month since i've been on holiday. i am still recovering from the after effects. an entire load of things to do and finish is piling up with every moment. yet somehow, i am enjoying every bit of this adrenaline rush.

so ask me why i am writing with this photograph by g e n o t y p e w r i t e r .

and then i'll tell you that this is exactly how i feel right now.

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