Wednesday, July 09, 2008


There's the dream that you've always been waiting for, but doesn't materialise, so you build another dream.

While waiting for your second dream to come into being, you are slapped in your sleep by your first dream. The opportunity is too good to let go. So you hang on to it for your dear life and things seem to work out.

Then, while dream no. 1 is smoothly sailing, dream no.2 pop's up. The motivation for dream no. 2 is still present. But the 2 dreams are conflicting, and you decide to pick dream no. 1 which has matured and is about to bear fruit. Unfortunately, your state of mind has eliminated the possibility of dream no. 2 of resurfacing.

What do you do at this point? As a piscean, indecision is an overbearing personal trait. Logical reasoning is paramount to being able to go to the next step.

I tell myself it's a journey and these are two roads, they could be parallel right now, and it's one or the other. But a little along the way they may intersect or combine. This possibility subconsciously keeps the dream alive.

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